A game about making food, avoiding customers, and winning; by Team B
In this chart, each team has their own colour: Req in blue, Arch in red, Risk in orange, Implementation in yellow
Not featured is the Plan team, as scheduling time on the Gantt chart to make the Gantt chart was deemed a waste of time.
Originally, we had given ourselves until the Monday to create a list of requirements to then take to our meeting with the client, but it took less time than we had anticipated. Through the face-to-face meeting and email communication, we had a final list of requirements made
Through this week, the Req team made a proper table and began finalising the paperwork for Req1.pdf. Using this, the Arch team could begin planning architecture, initially by making CRC cards
Not initally planned for, this week the Implementation team took the time to get familiar with various platforms that could be used. They decided on LibGDX, and IntelliJ
The Risk team began their assesment at this point.
We didn't officially plan any work over the holiday period, although individual teams continued on their own parts in their free time. Over exam week, the project as a whole fell to a lower priority.
Back from the holidays, the Implementation team began to code. Their aim was to have the basics implemented by that weekend. Arch worked alongside them to document how the architecture changed during the implementing process. Not on here is the time spent by members of other teams finalising their paperwork and deliverables.
In the final week, the Implementation team finished off the game. Alongside, Arch finished their evaluation of how the original plans had changed over the development process.