Piazza Panic

This website details our development of a single-player game that requires managing the staff around a kitchen, who will be preparing various dishes requested by customers coming into the Piazza Restaurant.
The first part of the game was designed by Generic Games. For Assessment 2, it was taken over by TeamB
Website Repository (Assessment 1)
Website Repository (Assessmet 2)

Assessment One PDFs

Assessment Two PDFs (for more detail, see the pages accessible via the dropdown menu)

Assesment 2 credits: University of York: Olivia Betts https://github.com/shella688 (ob903@york.ac.uk), Muaz Waqas https://github.com/MWaq2803(mw2283@york.ac.uk), Zac Bhumgara https://github.com/Bhumgara (zdb502@york.ac.uk), Nursyarmila Ahmad Shukri https://github.com/syarmilashd (nsas506@york.ac.uk), Oliver Northwood https://github.com/Volferno (on589@york.ac.uk), Teddy Seddon https://github.com/13Bear(ts1583@york.ac.uk) Cameron Duncan-Johal https://github.com/camerondj02(cdj515@york.ac.uk)